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the hidden link between heavy metal toxicity and parasites

The Hidden Connection of Heavy Metal Toxicity and Parasites

Heavy metals, such as lead, mercury, arsenic, and cadmium, are everywhere in our environment, and exposure to them can come from surprising sources. From contaminated water to tainted seafood, heavy metals find their way into our bodies, and their harmful effects are well-documented. But did you know that there's a hidden link between heavy metal toxicity and parasites? Let’s explore this connection and how it affects our health

Smoke from the pipes in the factory

How Environmental Toxins Impact The Body

Upwards of 4 billion pounds of toxins are dumped into the environment every year, and that’s just in the United States. Despite how alarming this sounds, it underestimates the seriousness of the issue. There are over 80,000 chemicals emitted, and many of these toxins persist in the environment for years, creating a compounding effect. As such, there are significantly more toxins in the environment with each passing year.

Risks of Mothballs and Pest Repellents at Home

Risks of Mothballs and Pest Repellents at Home

In the quest to keep our homes free from pests and protect our belongings from damage, many of us turn to mothballs and other pest repellents. These products have long been relied upon as a means of keeping insects, rodents, and other unwanted creatures at bay. However, as we become increasingly aware of the potential risks associated with these substances, it's crucial to take a closer look at the use and exposure of mothballs and pest repellents in our homes.

The Top Causes of Heavy Metal Toxicity in Beauty Products

The Top Causes of Heavy Metal Toxicity in Beauty Products

The beauty industry has witnessed a surge in consumer awareness about product ingredients and their potential impact on health. Among the growing concerns, heavy metal toxicity in beauty products has garnered significant attention. Heavy metals, such as lead, mercury, arsenic, and cadmium, are naturally occurring elements that can pose serious health risks when present in cosmetics and personal care products.

What’s behind the frightening rise in major depression and suicide?

What’s behind the frightening rise in major depression and suicide?

There are many factors that contribute to mental health, from economic security to the addition of screen time, social media, and an overall tendency for Americans to be busy and overscheduled. But as more research goes into the complex problem of depression and anxiety, we are discovering that physical factors are an important part of the puzzle—specifically, the connection between gut and brain.

Hidden Dangers around our Garden

Hidden Dangers around our Garden

Gardening is a fulfilling and rewarding hobby that allows us to connect with nature, grow our own food, and beautify our surroundings. However, there's a hidden danger lurking amidst the lush greens and vibrant blooms: the toxins found in many garden fertilizers and herbicides. While these products promise to help us maintain healthy gardens, they can also pose serious risks to our health and the environment.

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What Do Coffee & Cigarette Smoke Have in Common?

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The Truth About Non-Stick Cookware

The Truth About Non-Stick Cookware

Recent findings from the FDA showed there are toxic chemicals lurking in our food supply. PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances), a group of about 5,000 synthetic compounds, are present in the blood of 98 percent of the U.S. population, and research shows our diets are the main source of exposure to these hazardous substances.

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Children's toys have been a source of joy and wonder for generations, sparking creativity and fostering imagination. However, it's important for parents and caregivers to be aware that not all toys are created equal. Some toys may contain hidden toxins that can potentially harm our little ones. 

The Truth About Toxins from Mold and Mildew in Your Home

The Truth About Toxins from Mold and Mildew in Your Home

Mold and mildew are common occurrences in many households. They thrive in damp, dark environments, making our homes susceptible to their growth. While their presence is often considered a mere nuisance, the toxins they release can pose serious health risks to you and your family. In this article, we will explore the toxins we are exposed to from mold and mildew at home and why it is crucial to address this issue promptly.

30 Infant Formulas Contaminated with High Levels of Aluminum

30 Infant Formulas Contaminated with High Levels of Aluminum

Studies show that exposure to aluminum, even at 100,000 times lower levels of what's found in consumer products like antiperspirant, could cause cancer. Aluminum can accumulate in various tissues in the body but has been referred to as the "soft in the head" metal because it impacts the brain more than any other system of the body, impairing cognition and memory.

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Parasites as Accumulation Indicators of Heavy Metal Pollution

Parasites as Accumulation Indicators of Heavy Metal Pollution

An abundance of heavy metals in the system supports parasite life. Use Pure Body Extra and PB drops (or Fulvic plus with PB drops) to remove the heavy metals and you remove one of their main food sources so they can be eliminated quicker!

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Exposure to Heavy Metals Can Affect Our Much-loved Pets

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To keep yourself safe from aluminum toxicity especially after you have invested time in detoxing it from your body, it’s essential that you also try and cut high-aluminum foods out of your diet. Here are the top five culprits!

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Are Gas Stoves Really Dangerous?

Burning gas creates heat, which causes nitrogen and oxygen to bond among the flames. They combine to create nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide, collectively known as NOx, which can irritate the lungs. But that’s not the only compound to worry about. Cooking with gas can also emit carbon monoxide, particulate matter and even formaldehyde.

Symptoms of Implant Illness

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Glyphosate is The Active Ingredient in The Popular Herbicide Roundup

It goes without saying that you want to avoid this chemical at all costs. Unfortunately, glyphosate is the active ingredient in the popular herbicide Roundup.

Are You Aware Of The Toxins Lurking in Synthetic Carpets and Rugs?

Are You Aware Of The Toxins Lurking in Synthetic Carpets and Rugs?

Carpets and rugs play a significant role in our homes, adding warmth, comfort, and aesthetic appeal to our living spaces. While the convenience and affordability of synthetic carpets and rugs have made them a popular choice for homeowners, there is a hidden danger lurking beneath their plush surfaces – toxins. These synthetic floor coverings can release a variety of harmful chemicals into our indoor environment, affecting our health and the quality of the air we breathe.

Hair Loss?

Hair Loss?

Hair loss is a common concern that affects millions of people worldwide, both men and women. While it is often associated with genetic factors, stress, and aging, there's a lesser-known but significant factor that can contribute to hair loss: heavy metal toxicity. Heavy metals are toxic elements that, when accumulated in the body, can wreak havoc on various systems, including the hair follicles.