What’s behind the frightening rise in major depression and suicide?

Sep 02, 2023

What’s behind the frightening rise in major depression and suicide?

There are many factors that contribute to mental health, from economic security to the addition of screen time, social media, and an overall tendency for Americans to be busy and overscheduled. But as more research goes into the complex problem of depression and anxiety, we are discovering that physical factors are an important part of the puzzle—specifically, the connection between gut and brain.

A surprising finding is that the bacteria in our digestive tracts (our “microbiome”) plays a major role in our mental health. Research shows that when mice who had been carefully raised in a bacteria-free environment were introduced to different strains of gut bacteria, these strains could significantly influence behavior and mood. It also revealed that mice who showed autistic behavior (repetitive motions and avoidance of social interaction) also had a microbiome that resulted in leaky gut—and, since many people with autism also experience GI problems, that finding is significant.

Another study showed that mice who had been subjected to increased stress had a significant change in the makeup of their microbiome. Stress seemed to have a negative effect on lactobacillus, and stressed-out mice were found to have lost a large number of these beneficial bacteria. Soon after the bacterial losses were documented, symptoms of depression set in.

The rise in human GI problems and depression seems to indicate that our mental health, like that of the mice in the study, is intricately linked with the health of our gut microbiomes. What’s happened in the last 20 years that would cause this sort of damage?

Widespread Use of Glyphosate on GMO Crops Causes Damage to the Microbiome

Glyphosate has other uses, however. It was also patented as an antibiotic. (Read Full Article Here) 

It’s well known that antibiotics kill bacteria fairly indiscriminately, which is why they can cause diarrhea and other GI issues. When you’re prescribed antibiotics, you’ll often be told to eat yogurt to combat this issue. That’s because yogurt contains lactobacillus, and eating it helps to replace the bacteria that are being killed by antibiotics.

But what about the antibiotics that we’re inadvertently consuming every time we eat something that’s been treated with glyphosate? Studies have shown that, indeed, glyphosate exposure changes the makeup and number of gut bacteria. In addition, “glyphosate-based herbicide exposure leads to despair behavior” in mice. (Read Full Article Here)

Although the relationship between Lactobacillus and kynurenine are not fully understood, it’s clear that mental health suffers when the balance is thrown off.

The link between glyphosate and depression (as well as anxiety and autism) is happening in our guts, and the current crisis in mental health is being fed by the toxic effects of Roundup on our microbiomes. (Read Full Article Here)

Taking care of our gut leads to a better self everyday--and one way to do that is by detoxing. Click here to find out more!